To prevent unauthorized use of your credit or debit card online, 3D secure will introduce a new security step when you make an online payment with certain merchant websites. Every time you make an online payment with a registered merchant, you will be asked to enter a One Time Password [OTP] which will be sent to you by CBI.
The OTP may be sent to the primary card holder’s mobile number and email address registered with CBI. If required the supplementary card information can be updated on our system.
To prevent unauthorized use of your credit or debit card online, 3D secure will introduce a new security step when you make an online payment with certain merchant websites. Every time you make an online payment with a registered merchant, you will be asked to enter a One Time Password [OTP] which will be sent to you by CBI.
The OTP may be sent to the primary card holder’s mobile number and email address registered with CBI. If required the supplementary card information can be updated on our system.